Experience the beauty of mathematical art and create some yourself during Mathapalooza!, an exciting variety show opening an exhibition, The Art of Math, at the Sun ATL gallery at 399 Edgewood Ave. in Atlanta. The afternoon started with mathematical magic by Matt Baker and ended with a performance by Tracy Woodard and Emily Bragg of the Crab Canon, including a discussion of the wonderful symmetries Bach embedded in that work. AnnMarie Spexet, Connor Haines, and Ethan Phan performed mathematical circus acts. Rose Shields danced with a hypercube while Arnav Kabra explained the 4th dimension, Colm Mulcahy showed us card tricks and even explained why they work, Math Court held two trials run by Spencer Rugaber, and participants constructed mathy artwork with Dick Esterle, Emily Yang, and Zachary Reed.
Tickets to Mathapalooza! are also be valid for admission to "The Art of Math" for the duration of the Atlanta Science Festival. Mathapalooza! was presented by Mathematics in Motion and sponsored by the Atlanta Science Festival and the Georgia Tech School of Mathematics.
Didn’t make it on March 9, but passionate about the artistic side of math? Come to the Sculptures and Magic Party fundraiser on April 19!
Useful links
• We expect to post pictures here in due course. Meanwhile, enjoy this video of The Geometry of Bach.
• Travel and parking. The Sun ATL Gallery is located at 399 Edgewood Ave. SE, at the corner of Jackson St. With public transportaiton it is on the MARTA Bus 3 line, Streetcar near the Hilliard and Edgewood stop, and about 10 minutes by foot from the King Memorial MARTA Station. There is free parking on Jackson, Chamberlain, and Fitzgerald Streets, and in the nearby Liberty Baptist Church lot. Paid parking: Edgewood.
• Write us at mathinmotionatl@gmail.com for more information!